Weekly Activities

The Town Hall is also used regularly for sports classes and social groups.  Find below details for some of the weekly activities being held: -

Vocal Harem Poster

Gill's Line Dancing Poster


ClubberciseTavistock Town Hall




Gym Catch  Book via The Gym Catch App - JR Fitness Camp












Zumba PosterZumba

Lower Intensity Class!

If you love to dance but don't want to test your joints - this is the class for you!  We dance to music from all around the world, laugh lots and exercise without even noticiing - honestly! it is enormous fun! 

Hope to see you soon! Liz x

Starting Thursday 5th August - Booking essential

Every Thursday

10am to 10.45am

Tavistock Town Hall

£6 per class

Zumba is amasing fun and suitable for all!

07484 157706 or [email protected]





Full of Life Dance Poster 


Full of Life

Full of life is a vibrant movement class for the over 50's

Enjoy a variety of music and dance styles that will have you tapping your feet long after you leave. 

This is a great chance to get active and meet new friends.

Come and be part of the fun!

Time 10:00am until 11:00am

Every Friday starting 10th Sept 2021

Cost £4.50 payment by card preferred.

Venue: Tavistock Town Hall, Bedofrd Square, PL19 0AE

Bring a comfortable pair of shoes and a good sense of humour!

To book a place or for more information pleae call Jenny. Tel: 07305 549675