Tavistock Town Council is seeking quotes from suitably experienced and qualified contractors to undertake the Design and Build of a replacement Multi-Use Wheeled Sports Park for Tavistock. This quote is to see the project through from concept to delivery, including local engagement and consultation, securing planning permission, support with fundraising, as well as the Design and Build itself.
These works are described and detailed in the specification (as referred to in the Schedule of Works)
Should you wish to competitively tender for these works, you must submit a tender enclosing the following documents:
(a) Notice to Tenderers
(b) Technical return document
(c) Price Schedule
(d) Pre-construction Information
Following tender assessment, the successful Contractor will be appointed as the Preferred Contractor for the project. The Contract would be entered once planning permission and a full funding package are secured.
You should provide evidence of your quality assurance documentation which will demonstrate your experience in similar previous projects and show how you will provide the support, expertise and quality required by the Town Council.
You should also provide a copy of your Professional Indemnity Insurance documentation along with proof of your sector specific portfolio.
Your tender will be assessed on the strength of your technical return (80%), and Price Schedule (20%).
The assessment of the technical return will consider criteria including your approach to engagement, fundraising, quality and design, and approach to project delivery.
The completed tender documents and all attachments should be returned, in an envelope with ONLY the wording ‘TENDER TAVISTOCK MULTI-USE WHEELED SPORTS PARK DESIGN AND BUILD’, to arrive no later than MIDDAY Friday 28th February 2025 to Tavistock Town Council Offices, Drake Road, Tavistock, Devon, PL19 0AU. The envelope should bear no names or marks to indicate the sender.
Telephone or fax or e-mail tenders will not be accepted.
Please check that you have received all the documents.
If you are intending to tender, please can you confirm so by Friday 14th February 2025 to the following email address [email protected]
The Contractor is welcome to visit and inspect the site prior to submitting their Bid. The skatepark is set within a freely accessible public park, and there are no restrictions on times or days at which the site can be accessed. Visits should be undertaken by foot, using nearby carparks as applicable. No vehicles should be brought into the public park for the purposes of site visits to inform this Bid.
The Contractor will gather all the information they deem necessary to fulfil the requirements of this Bid and subsequent contract and deliver the objectives therein. No consideration shall be given because of omissions or additions to this Bid or subsequent contract by the Employer or the client that arise as a result of failure to gather information that could reasonably be expected to have been determined from a site visit. The inspection shall not be invasive in any way. If the Applicant determines that an invasive survey is required in addition to the information provided with this Bid or subsequent contract, then the Applicant is to raise this as a clarification.
Accompanied site visits with the Council representative (and TaviSkate) can be arranged as required.
Please note prospective tenderers are prohibited from contacting staff or councillors to canvass or encourage support for their tender outside of the prescribed process.
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