Scam Alert - Facebook

Scam Alert

Please be aware that we have recently noticed a number of fake social media posts doing the rounds advertising for stall holders for events at Council run venues such as Butchers' Hall, Tavistock Pannier Market and Town Hall. If you see one of these posts please report to Facebook or the relevant group admins.

If you have any queries regarding events organised by one of these venues, please contact our team directly;

Tavistock Pannier Market Tel. 01822 611003 Email: [email protected]

Tavistock Town Hall & Butchers' Hall Tel. 01822 617232 Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Tavistock Guildhall Heritage Centre Tel. 01822 618300 Email: [email protected]

Tavistock Goose Fair Tel. 01822 616134 Email: [email protected]

 #ScamAlert #cybersafety

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Scam Alert Poster